@TKEYAHONLINE Glossary: Phthalates (tha/lates): a synthetic chemical used in products ranging from vinyl flooring to food packaging to medical tubing to cosmetics and are extensively linked to reproductive harms
Phthalates are used as solvents in cosmetic products such as nail-polish, fragrance and perfumed personal care products. But they’re not only lurking around the beauty community… some really strange items contain phthalates too, like toys, lubricating oils and blood bags… WTF?
Typically they make plastic more pliable, and then in cosmetics as a solvent, they are used to dissolve certain ingredients, helping to enhance functionality, texture and sensorial attributes. However, their intentions are significantly overshadowed by the outcome, as phthalates are known to damage the liver, kidneys, lungs, and reproductive system.
There are also a few different pathways these chemicals can travel to enter our skin. Some phthalates and fragrances can also enter our bloodstream by being inhaled through the lungs, while others are ingested through lip balms and lipsticks.
"Though some may argue that it takes large concentrations of chemicals to produce toxicity or safety concerns, small amounts of chemical combinations can have severe implications. For instance, sodium benzoate on its own is potentially harmless, but when mixed with citric acid (AKA vitamin C) it creates a cancer-causing compound called benzene. And, once a chemical passes through the superficial layers of the skin, it is more likely to be absorbed by our bloodstream or lymphatic system." Non Toxic Resolution