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Survivor: makeup edition

Updated: Jul 23, 2023

You know the riddles that ask what or who you would bring if stranded in the middle of the jungle? Think about it...

Now if makeup mattered in the scenario, what would you have? These are the bare minimum I would need to "survive" and why I chose each one.

  1. Foundation- it's all in the name. Foundation is the basis or groundwork of anything and in makeup it has the ability to blur and smooth complexions, even out skin tone and perfects a canvas for all other products to shine.

2. Brow gel- brows frame the face.

At the very least, a brow setting gel should be used to help rehydrate and refine the natural brow without any steady-hand skills required. Brush, fill and set all at once.

3. Mascara- awaken your appearance.

Mascara is the fake it till you make it for me. You could be dead tired, but mascara will instantly lift the lashes, causing the eyes to stand out and appear larger, more awake. I could ditch all other products for just this one if it really came down to elimination.

4. Blush- a little goes a long way.

The little blush that you apply will add depth and color back to the face, preventing you from looking too washed out and one color. Where you apply blush can vary by face shape, but a general rule of thumb is to focus around the apples of the cheeks. However, you really don't need much.

5. Lips- poppin!

Depending on the texture, finish, color, etc., whatever you put on the lips can really tie everything together and solidify the mood. It can transform a look from day to night, sassy to classy and so I can't go without a lip product... anything mauve is my jam.

6. Makeup Removal- and that's it!

The key to flawless makeup, aside from foundation, is healthy skin underneath. If makeup is not properly removed after each night then you are destined to develop troubles with you skin. It is last, but certainly not least.

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